The town of Wisła - official website

Xtraining quads, off road vehicles, buggy, snowmobiles



A quad

A vehicle which can be driven practically anywhere. Light, agile, high powered and with good tires - these vehicles are able to cope in any circumstances. In the winter season the quads are equipped with snow chains. The quads that we offer are only from the most reputable manufacturers such as Honda and Yamaha. Every driver is provided with a professional training and gear (a helmet).

An off road vehicle

Every drive starts with professional training and detailed instruction concerning the chosen trail. The driver is always accompanied by a qualified instructor. We offer two off road vehicles: a Nissan Patrol GR and Jeep Cherokee and both are adapted to a very demanding and difficult off road diving in the mountains. There are two conditions that have to obeyed: driving license and total sobriety.

A buggy

A double vehicle very similar to quad except for the steering wheel which is round, like in a typical car, there are two seats with a safety cage around them. Rhino can cope in any road conditions depending on the driver’s risk prone. We offer vehicles of two most reputable manufacturers: Yamaha and Polaris. Every driver is provided with a professional training and a helmet. A drive like that one is an unforgettable experience.

A snowmobile

A drive on clear, white snow will be remembered for a long time and a night drive may be completely unpredictable. Every driver is offered a professional training and a helmet before beginning their first attempt and they are always accompanied by an experienced instructor.

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